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How Containerization Can Boost Your Enterprise’s Development

Updated: May 30, 2019

Though its conception dates back to 1979, containers made their mark as much needed, major technology assets in 2000. Digital development has grown leaps and bounds over the last decade, and is continuously optimised for faster response time and more efficient use.

Today, Containerization Platforms offer a “logical packaging mechanism”, which allows applications to be isolated from their environments of operation. Below are some of the benefits of their use:

1. Compartmentalisation

Because of its abstracting capabilities, containers allow developers to create predictable environments, which can include specific software dependencies needed for an application’s consistency across various scenarios of deployment.

This means better and more reliable assumptions can be made during dev stage, with more time spent on developing relevant UX/UI, and less time on debugging  and diagnosing different environments.

2. Increased Portability

Say “Goodbye” to integration issues or inconsistencies when transporting containerized applications through different servers. In a traditional computing environment this would normally cause inconvenient stalls to activity.

Portability also leads to rapid increase in function-specific scalability. Containerization platforms allow snap addition and removal of resources, without the need to setup and configure additional servers.

3. Instant Deployment

Deployment and configuration processes are also simplified as another feature of containerization. It has become so efficient that creation and deployment on-demand is possible.

Working with containers provides the utmost flexibility to create and containerize instances of applications, to address unique situations or instantly remove a cluster of containers to reduce the incurred cloud costs.

4. Security

No longer worry about different access points to resources. Conterization helps segregate the set-up of an application into major processes, placing them in separate containers.

This allows the sharing of resources without the risk of internal or external corruption. Should resources be needed by multiple entities, they can be shared without compromising your own network.

5. Increased Productivity

What used to take days – or even months – can now be done in a fraction of the time because of the development of containerization.

With an optimised feedback loop comes the ability to instantly swap and track developments on a platform’s source code, as other applications are operating on the same code. Also, a simpler installation process and the decrease of dependency errors, have given developers greater value for their time.

Overall, the aggregation of these benefits will provide greater flexibility and scalability to any team of developers, and we are just at the cusp of learning how containerization platforms can transform the development process.

Consult with Fusion Professionals to learn how to start acquiring containerization platforms for to optimise development in your enterprise.

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