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Fusion Professionals 2017 Annual Summit


This week Fusion Professionals held their annual summit at the Rag & Famish hotel in North Sydney. The summit is our opportunity to say thank you to our staff and clients as well as socialise and network with colleagues from the IT community.

This year we had representatives from the Airline, Banking, Telecommunications, Health and Education sectors to name a few. The summit provided an opportunity for past and present colleagues to catch up on old times and share new experiences and not always regarding IT.

This year we added some additional value to the summit by providing snap shots on some key industry areas, in rapid fire, intimate short optional presentations. Topics Included: Big Data Trends, Business Apps and SaaS and Database Management Futures.

The Big Data presentation was given by Achim Drescher our Principal Consultant – Big Data and Data Lake Architecture and touched on the Evolution of Data Analytics – The Third Wave of Business Intelligence and the drivers for Big Data. The context and best practice for the architecture of Big Data and Data Lakes that are prevalent for organisations that want to sustain a competitive advantage through customer insight. See the attached article for a case in point.

The Business Apps and SaaS presentation was given by Paul Cowle our CEO and looked at ERP Apps and the Cloud. Paul provided a view on the evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning software and the implication of moving these Apps to the cloud. The key insight was that currently, over 80% of Apps that have moved to the cloud are not related to ERP and include: Marketing, Finance and Apps that provide a standard function to business such as CRM. The key impediment for ERP Apps migrating to the cloud is the required customisations required by each organisation s ERP.

The Database Management Futures presentation was given by Radomir Vranesevic our COO and provided a list of the top 6 trends for database management. These include: Databases that Bridge SQL/NoSQL, Database migration to the Cloud (Database as a Service (DBaaS)), Automating Management (DevOps), An Increased Focus on Security, The shift from In-memory to non-volatile memory (NVRAM) and the speed of the evolution of GPU-Based Databases and the subsequent enablement of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Each presentation provided an opportunity for attendees to learn about the key industry areas and ask questions directly or register their interest using mobile phone enabled registration forms, illustrating some Fusion Professionals IT tech.

The night was a fantastic night of celebration, networking and industry insight.



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